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What is HYIP ??? High Yield Investment Program

Posted by PETUALANG BISNIS on Sunday, September 4, 2011

What is HYIP?

HYIP is an acronym for “High Yield Investment Program(s)”.   High Yield Investment Programs have been around for hundreds of years, but didn’t really hit their peak popularity until the internet came about.  Now the owners of these high yield programs can start them up with basically no physical contact with their investors.
  This means that they don’t have to worry about any government intervention, such as taxes.  This however also means that they don’t have to worry about doing anything legal.  Probably about 99.9% of all online HYIPs are not being honest with you.  The majority of these programs are Ponzi Schemes, named after Charles Ponzi who scammed millions from his friends and family by creating a program that appeared to be a high yield investment.  His program basically invested none of the money from his investors.  Instead it used the money from new investors to pay the returns to the initial investors.
For example if John, Jack, and Susan invest $100 into a Ponzi, then Peter, Chuck, Brian, and Randall invest $200 each into the program later on, John, Jack, and susan are simply getting paid with the money invested from Peter, Chuck, Brian, and Randall.  The majority of the online HYIP’s are simply this type of investment scheme.

Can You Make Money From HYIPs?

All in all the admin usually makes off with a large sum of money once he decides to close it down.  However the initial investors those who get in when the program first starts up will also end up making a large sum of money.  The legality of these types of programs are highly disputed.  It is obviously illegal to own and operate a program of this type.  As for the initial investors, as far as I know there has not been a lawsuit put out against them, since they simply believed that they were investing in a legitimate program.
There are literally tens of thousands of people online making money on HYIP’s.  There are actually people who make a living investing in these programs.  It takes time to learn the ropes of HYIP investing, and most people lose money when they first start out.

Tips on making money with HYIPs
Ok, here are some tips that I have learned by simply reading forums, and investing myself.

Tip #1 – Don’t fall for the “Extra” High Yield Investment Programs:

Once you dig into HYIPs and find them, you will see there are various kinds of programs with various payout amounts.  Some of the lower paying HYIPs pay as little as 0.1% Daily, while some promise returns as high as 1000% daily, and even higher!  Now it’s just common sense that it is totally impossible to see returns of 1000% daily.  An example of this would be if you invested $100 into one of these programs which promised to pay you back $1000 the next day.  Even the best traders in the world can not make these kinds of profits on a consistant basis.  I personally recommend limiting yourself to investing into only programs that pay 2-3% daily and less.  These are the programs that will last the longest, and usually end up having administrators who are more patient (meaning they won’t close up and run with the money as soon).  I always feel that the lower the payout the better the investment when dealing with HYIPs.
Tip #2- First in First Out:
Since the majority of HYIPs are in fact Ponzi Schemes, this means that those investors who get in first will be the ones to see the most profits.  I recommend using sites like http://www.goldrater.com, and http://www.talkgold.com (along with a lot of other ones which I will get to in a bit) to find the newest programs as they launch.  A mistake that I think too many people make when investing in HYIPs is that they use rating sites like these to find programs that have been paying out for a long time.  Remember only 0.1% of online HYIPs are real investment programs, so this is a mistake.  Those programs that have been paying for a real long time usually will be the ones to fail the soonest (not always the case but most of the time this is true).

Tip #3 – Professionalism is the Key:
When you are deciding which HYIP(s) you want to invest into, you should look at many aspects of the programs site.  You will see some programs that look like a 5-year-old created, while you will also see some that appear to have invested thousands of dollars into their design and programming.  It should be quite obvious that you want to invest in the programs that make themselves appear the best through their sites.  Those administrators of these programs that want to make their program last long, will usually take the time to make their site(s) look and feel the best.  Those admins who only want to take in as much money as possible before running usually will quickly put together a site that looks like crap.
Tip #4 – Evaluate the Programs Referral system:
The majority of HYIPs now offer referral programs to their members.  They usually offer a percentage back to the referrer of their referrals deposits.  Most programs offer between 1-10% for referral bonuses.  I believe that the programs with the lower referral bonuses are generally the programs that tend to last longer.  However I also have found that a small referral bonus is better then no referral bonus at all, because it’s those programs that end up getting the most investors.  Again if the program is a Ponzi scheme, you want a program that will have a high number of investors.

Tip #5 – Due Dilligence is important but not as important as people make it out to be:

Due Dilligence on a program is a very important procedure to perform when deciding on programs to invest into.  Due Dilligence also referred to as “DD” or DDU” is the process of verifying a program.  For example if an address is given by the owner of the investment, you should investigate and try and determine if this address is correct.  If a phone number is provided, you should call it and see if you can actually get through to someone.  Other forms of Due Dilligence would be:
- Investigating the domain name used for the site.  How long has it been registered for.  Are the details on the registar correct?  Can you contact the admin through those details?  When was the domain name registered (in comparission to how long the admin says the program has been around for)?
- Investigate the IP address used by the admin.  This can be difficult to do, but you should be able to send the admin an email.  When you get a response, you can view the header of his response to find the IP address that the email originated from.  Determine if this IP address matches where the admin claims to be from.
- Test the honesty of the admin.  This is difficult to do as well, but you can do it by comparing things the admin says on his site to other details that you can dig up on him through his registration, IP address etc.
All in all, Due Dilligence can help you determine the honesty and potential reliability of a programs’ administrator.  However most DD does not help from my experience.  The main reason is that 99.9% of these programs are scams, thus DD doesn’t prove anything.  It is very simple for an admin to put an address on his site or domain registration to an office somewhere in the United States or even offshore.  It is almost impossible for you to determine if in fact he works from that office or not, unless you were to pay them a visit.  As for telephone numbers, they are also useless in proving anything since any Joe Schmo can go out and purchase an untrackable pre-paid cell phone.

Tip #6 – Look for programs that are getting the most buzz:

moneyrollupviewWhen investing in or gambling with an HYIP it is important to realize one thing.  The more popular they become the better the chance of the program succeeding, whether it is a ponzi scheme or an actual investment program.  For this reason you should be looking for two things.
- Programs which are getting a lot of buzz in forums.  Look at forums like Talkgold.com and Moneymakergroup.com for the most active HYIP threads.  The programs which attract the most people are the ones you want to get into as soon as you possibly can, as they are likely insured to stick around more then the dull boring programs which have barely any activity in the forums they are discussed.
- Programs which advertise heavily.  We particularly like programs which purchased paid sticky spots at Talkgold and MoneyMakergroup.  Simply look to see which programs are paying the big bucks for the featured spots at these forums, and you should be able to pick a winner.

Tip #7 – Watch for Serial Scammers

More and more these days we have what I like to call “serial scammers”.  These are people who don’t just open up a program that fails due to natural process’s like business mistakes, but instead launch programs one after another simply to rip people off.  It’s not easy to figure out which programs are run by these serial scammers, however there are some hints that can give it away.
- Look at forums such as Talkgold and Moneymakergroup for threads which have a ton of short replies by relatively new members.  I know that talkgold usually breaks up post bumping cheerleading groups, but some of the other forums seem to thrive on them as it creates more activity.  A cheerleading group often indicates an admin that has been around the block and thus considered a serial scammer.
- Look for clues on the site.  Often these serial scammers will use the exact same template or script as another one of their past hyips.  They can often leave hints behind such as names of previous programs in their terms of services, email address’s, or copyright sections.

Tip #8 – Don’t Wait Too long

Many times we see potential HYIP investors/players wait around to see if a program will pay out for a while before investing.  Sometimes they even do small test spends to see if the programs are paying on time.  Avoid this trap.  Check rating sites to see if programs are paying on time, and use this guide to look for programs that fit the criteria of possible long lasting programs.  If you like a program, jump right in, don’t wait on the sidelines.

Tip #9 – View everything you encounter with skeptisism.

Don’t beleive anyone online, and if they tell you to trust them, don’t.  While reading internet forums and watching people claim that a certain investment is the best thing since sliced bread, don’t beleive it.
Just because a doezen people claim to be getting paid on time or that a program is amazing, it doesnt mean you will not lose money in it.  There are cheerleading rings that are paid off by HYIP scammers that go into forums to try and get people excited about a program.  Watch closely.
Just like you shouldn’t be fooled by Cheerleaders, also be careful not to believe everything you hear from the naysayers.  Although naysayers who claim that every program is a scam, and that you will lose your money don’t have as much at stake as do cheerleaders, you have to view everything with skeptisism.  Make up your own mind, don’t allow others, you have never met, to do it for you.

Tip #10 – Never, Ever Invest Money you Can Not Afford to Lose

The Most important tip is this one.  Never, ever invest money you are not willing to lose.  This means, kids college funds, retirement funds, money needed to pay bills, money that isn’t yours, etc.  Be ready to lose it, and look at hyip investing as a gamble.  Pretend you are playing a game of texas hold’em, instead of actually investing.  Like in Texas Hold’em you are gambling, however, if you use the right strategies, techniques, and don’t get greedy, you will make money.

The Simplest and most Lucrative HYIP Strategy

Simply start with a given amount of money.  For this example we will use $1000.  Now you want to look for 4 currently running programs which have launched within the last 10 days and meet all of the criteria below:
- Unique Design
- Believeable story that checks out
- Custom script (not goldcoders or any of the other common scripts)
- Responsive admin (posting and answering questions are forums)
- Payout rate of between 1-5% daily (check out the recent study we have done:  http://www.talkgold.com/forum/r205538-.html
- Purchased large advertising spots, paid stickies, etc at the various HYIP related forums and monitor sites.
Invest $250 into each program.  When you start receiving interest back, you will reinvest 20% of this back into the 4 programs.  Continue doing this putting aside the other 80%.  This 80% will be split in half.  Half we will call your “Investment pocketbook” used for new programs, and the other half for you to keep, and never invest into hyips with again.  Once the first program fails, you will look for another program that meets the specific requirements above and invest 1/4th of whatever is in your “Investment Pocketbook”.  You will continue using the same strategy over and over again.  Unless you get extremely unlucky, you will likely walk away a winner and this will allow you to continue to build upon your hyip profits.
The trick is to not get too greedy, never fall in love with one particular program, and alway put that 40% away for non hyip investments.

There is one more way to judge about the HYIP popularity.

Some HYIP sites with the standard template display the investment statistics – accounts, active accounts, deposits and withdrawals.
The number of new active accounts can tell you about the program popularity.
Watch the program for some days. If the number of new active members grows fast it’s a good sign. Of course sometimes the statistics is false but it’s easy to discover.
The total deposits amount comparing the total withdrawals amount carry important information also. When the total withdrawals amount come close to the deposits amount it means the program will be closed soon. HYIP admin gets the profit from the difference between deposits and withdrawals.
If you are interested you can find the daily statistics of deposits, withdrawals and accounts for some programs at hyipbanker.com details pages.
You can find a historical data that may help you to estimate the current programs state. Also you can filter scams that don’t even hide the withdrawals amount and leave it unchanged. So, if the withdrawals amount remains unchanged for a certain period you shouldn’t invest in the HYIP.

Thanks for reading & sharing PETUALANG BISNIS

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